Establishing a shelf company has several benefits. For example, it becomes easier to get a loan with the bank, you will have local representation, and you build up trust with local firms. These reasons seem very tempting to start a shelf company, but is it really? It is possible to start a BV in the Netherlands and have all the same perks as with a shelf company, BUT CHEAPER! Below we elaborate on why you should choose for a BV rather than a Shelf Company.

The Time
Shelf Company needs to re-apply for a bank account and a VAT number, which means that there is no real advantage time-wise to acquire one, since it takes ~2 weeks to incorporate and make a new company operational.
The Requirements
Shelf Company doesn't make the procedure easier and still requires a physical presence at the bank and the city council (for the director of the company)
In addition please find below some brief information about Dutch Private Limited Companies, the exact procedures involved in setting one up, the length of the process, the legal requirements and our fees. We take particular pride in being able to deliver an individualized service to all our customers. If what you’re looking for isn’t covered in the information below please do get in touch and we can discuss your exact needs.
In case if the reasons above are not relevant to your situation, please, let us know.
The Dutch Private Limited -Dutch B.V.
What is it?
A Dutch B.V. has a legal personality with a share capital divided into a minimum of one share
The shares (along with voting rights) must be issued to an individual or a legal personality (private limited company)
It is possible to appoint a single, non-resident individual or corporate entity as the director or shareholder, making the Dutch B.V. a very flexible entity
The shares of a Dutch B.V. are usually not freely transferable due to transfer restrictions by law or restrictions set out in the articles of association
Shareholders of a Dutch B.V. are not personally liable for losses of the company in excess of the amount which must be paid into shares
In need for more information or ready to get more details on our services?Book a call with one of our experts, no strings attached!